There's no other public service that we would allow to just vanish for months at a time. To have no Army … The entire issue tends to vanish from public debate, because the educated, affluent people who run the debate don't particularly suffer from it …
Instead, patients either pay in cash for each service rendered or prepay a monthly or annual subscription fee that includes various levels of service. Concierge medicine was initially marketed to affluent patients, who paid $10,000-$20,000 a year to …
'I am in no position to try to calculate the profits, but they must have been very considerable, and supported an affluent lifestyle for yourself and members of your family. 'This is a case of a long-standing, well organised, and profitable business …
She says demand for themed housing is driven by affluent well-travelled Indians and NRIs as both aspire for the cosmopolitan lifestyles they have seen abroad and live in stylish and aesthetically done interiors which cater to their sensibilities …
… have that kind of money. CNNMoney reported on a new survey of affluent investors by UBS that they believed it would take $5 million to feel wealthy. That's the level, according to the survey, where people feel they have no constraints on their …
“With homelessness in particular, we were trying to explain to children the difference between an affluent lifestyle and poverty,” she said. During Sunday school, children saw photographs of other kids' bedrooms around the world, both those full of …
Though Salt Lake City has a high percentage of gay couples raising children, the actual number is still much smaller than in coastal hubs such as New York or Los Angeles, the data show. The only way you could possibly think that legalizing gay marriage …
PHUKET: German born Christian Schwind, a marketing professional with 14 years experience in business management, marketing and PR, has been appointed as general manager of Andaman Cruises, a luxury yacht charter company based in Phuket.
Time is both a great luxury and the great leveler (we all get the same daily amount). In a city where everyone complains they never have enough of it, the fact of its preciousness may explain why certain symbols of time have taken on legendary status …