Price was relatively steady on a consolidated basis, led by a 16% gain in South America, reflecting pricing actions taken to address the devaluation of the Venezuelan currency. These gains were offset by lower pricing in our Harris Products Group from …
Some publishers made the mistake of speaking out about the devaluation of their top releases, which the Department of Justice later painted as part of publishers' Evil Plot to Destroy Amazon and force hard-working Americans to pay double digits for …
From January 2011, the Government of India necessitated all power generation projects be awarded based on a competitive bidding process, requiring developers to bid a lifetime tariff for a project. As per the government's competitive bidding guidelines …
Small business owners had abandoned the Ikhwan (the Muslim Brotherhood) and its political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), as their interests were harmed by inflation and the devaluation of the Egyptian currency, and bureaucrats continued to …
The reason, as given in the editorial, is simple: "statewide educational inequality, with affluent suburban communities generally enjoying much better schools than poorer ones, including the cities." The solution, however, is not so simple. Although I …
By Express News Service – NEW DELHI. 30th July 2013 07:51 AM. Photos … You talk to them about their pain… When you reach out to a woman from a slum, or a woman from an affluent background, talk to them about their specific concerns,” she said.
The Internet giant was able to muscle its way to dominance by unfairly favoring its own service ahead of such competitors as Mapquest in its online search results. Now with the proposed Waze acquisition, the Internet giant would remove the most viable …
He refinished the inside with discarded building materials found in the surrounding affluent beachside neighborhoods and became a staple in the area. Homeless again: Covington perches atop his tank just before it was removed in 2011. After Banksy spray …
There's no other public service that we would allow to just vanish for months at a time. To have no Army … The entire issue tends to vanish from public debate, because the educated, affluent people who run the debate don't particularly suffer from it …