A Boeing 787 Dreamliner jet operated by United Airlines is parked at Los Angeles International Airport on Jan. 9, 2013. David McNew … Fullscreen. The business-class section of Qatar Airways' first 787, as seen during its delivery flight on Nov. 12, 2012.
Even Blacks who were financially successful had to deny their ethnicity in order to be accepted within Cuba's white society: “In Cuba, affluent Black Cubans moved within the society of the affluent. 'Es Negro, pero es Negro blanco' ['He is a Black man …
It “foresees extensive opportunities in the burgeoning Asian tourism landscape, especially for the increasingly affluent, discerning and mobile travellers in China,” Shun Tak said in a statement. The hotel unit, called Artyzen Hospitality Group Ltd …
Scott Warrow is head of the Birmingham Education Association, the teachers' union in one of suburban Detroit's largest (8,000 student) affluent districts. … “If it were up to me, I would have a sales tax on services that would be devoted to education …
Previously only Mark Price, chief executive of Waitrose, has broken ranks by admitting food price inflation is inevitable, although his affluent customer base is regarded as being less price sensitive. Last month food … In February, Philip Clarke …
And both of those pale into insignificance against the horsemeat scandal of January and February, which arguably did more damage to Tesco – four of their products were involved – than any other major retailer. In what feels like the nearest thing to a …
Max barely makes ends meet working as a waitress in a diner, while Caroline grew up in an affluent family. But the family lost all their wealth unexpectedly, forcing Caroline to take up a job at the same diner. Max's ghetto disposition and Caroline's …
There are plenty of affluent, legal Mexicans working in the U.S. (though probably not in a warehouse) and, surely, too many poorly educated Cubans for the Cubano community's comfort. Item “f” fails because it's actually a statement that can be …
LaNeve is the former top North American marketer at General Motors and former head of Cadillac. LaNeve's boss is Team Detroit CEO Satish Korde, the agency's senior executive. Murphy takes over the roles previously split by Paul Venn and Mike Bentley as …