The recent emergence of the affluent class in India highlights this demographic group's obsession with the love for technology, high living and new-age affluence – in a nutshell, an opulent lifestyle. This has led to conversation amongst … “New …
Diageo (DEO) is the world's largest drinks and spirits company with a collection of famous brands across spirits, beer and wine, and sells its products in over 180 countries globally. These well known brands include Johnnie Walker, Crown Royal, JeB …
Pharmaceutical firms and universities donated or voluntarily licensed their IP relevant to diseases and products for which there is little demand in affluent markets [12]. Competition and voluntary price cuts reduced the cost of ARVs in poor countries …
They are the “most desirable target audience for any company” and just happen to be buying green products from green companies, she says. They pay more for a brand they trust, they shop frequently and they like “shiny new 'green' things.” Shelton calls …
New Ricochet Podcast on Immigration: It's 2 against 1, with me and Mark Krikorian discussing the current state of play with Clint Bolick of the Goldwater Institute. (Bolick and Jeb Bush coauthored Immigration Wars, which proposed a non-citizenship …
Washington Trust Bank's Wealth Management & Advisory Services offers a broad range of investment, trust, and estate planning expertise to guide individuals, families, entrepreneurs, companies, and professionals through complex financial decisions …
The Guardian home. The Guardian, Stage, User comments. News · US · World · Sports · Comment · Culture · Business · Money · Environment · Science · Travel · Tech · Media · Life & style · Data · Culture · Stage · Comedy gold: the best standup on DVD …
That said, Microsoft has put together a pretty nice little giveaway: a free year of Xbox Live Gold when you subscribe to Office 365. The latter costs $99.99 (per year), so if you typically pony up for a Gold subscription anyway, it's kind of like …
The loss, to be recorded in the second quarter, comes after the Toronto company announced in late June it may take an up to $5.5 billion impairment charge on its still unopened Pascua Lama gold mine, which straddles the Chilean and Argentinean border.