"Data is an input, the same as if you're listening to a client tell you what they're interested in," says Lance Broumand, the founder and C.E.O. of UrbanDaddy, which tailors its content to the lifestyle of affluent cosmopolitan men. Each day, 12 …
If anything, many of these unhappy people are highly affluent and privileged; they have a comfortable place to live, a stable job, a regular disposable income, a healthy social network, and a family to return home to. It's as John Galbraith mentioned …
His holidays are routinely spent aboard some super–yacht, surrounded by a collection of his former lovers. Any current squeeze is only permitted a brief sojourn on board – until she becomes an ex, at which point she seems to get a permanent berth.
As the rich get richer there are an increasing number of superyachts in production, creating jobs on board for people who can meet the right standards. Competition for work is intense and to date the yacht industry has lacked any formal training for …
Back on the event program for the 2013 Asia Superyacht Rendezvous, sponsored by Feadship Royal Dutch Shipyards, Asia Pacific Superyachts and Kata Rocks, is a special Crew Party for the participating Superyachts on the final evening of the 18th of …
You don't just walk off the street into a job on a billionaire's superyacht. You recruit onto a yacht after completing a training … Instead they pay people to trim stray threads off their little-used luxury towels. It may be an incredibly inefficient …
In the cupboard of our large, gorgeous kitchen: my own jar of peanut butter, plus food products labelled as nut-free or not. The incredible service continued throughout the week, with lovely Italian women coming over in the evenings to show us how to …
… 12 boxes of milk powder and a cardboard container with two sets of air filters through San Francisco International Airport. I was heading to my home in Beijing at the end of a work trip, bringing back what have become two of the most sought-after …
Since more luxury products are sold in China than anywhere else in the world, the country's wealthiest individuals may look to one-up neighbors and friends by cruising down the street in a silent Model S. The premise in convincing, yet the main benefit …