But with the economy improving, consumers are pulling out their wallets to spend on luxury items. High-end auto sales are up, just look at Cadillac. And sales of just about everything high-end are heading upward — from larger-than-normal starter homes …
“Her retreat from the spotlight has coincided with her emergence at the center of a growing investigation into gifts to her and her family from a wealthy businessman named Jonnie R. Williams Sr. Williams sprinkled luxury items and big checks among …
Currently Restoration Hardware, which has a stock-market value of about $2.7 billion, sells a small range of own-brand fashion items for baby and child. Classic look: Currently Restoration Hardware stocks a small range of own-brand fashion items for …
Journalists, consultants and others writing about China's future tend to focus on the potential of specific industries (such as automotive) or product categories (such as luxury goods) to lead the country's shift from an economy fueled by exports to …
LCCI President Farooq Iftikhar told the finance minister that revenue collection would receive a considerable boost if smuggling and unnecessary import of luxury items were checked. The private sector was ready to play its role in this connection, he said.
Apple reportedly had a team of 100-plus product designers working on the iWatch in February, and in early July, Apple managed to attract Paul Deneve, the former CEO of French luxury label Yves Saint Laurent, to work on “special projects” at Apple. It …
Australia and other Asian countries are just beginning to respond to Japan by lowering exchange rates and by other means, so the “easy” devaluation of the yen has already happened. The hard work is just starting, as other countries will increasingly …
While we put together the second quarter guidance, the assumption is that we would have more pricing flexibility to handle the impact of inflation, currency devaluation and volume performance. April results were in line with this view. In June, when we …
Due to a loss on Venezuelan currency devaluation, net income of General Motors depressed by $200 million in the first quarter of 2013. This hit was because Venezuela devalued its Bolivar currency. General Motor generates more than 60% of its revenue …