PARIS–French luxury goods company Hermes International SCA (>> HERMES INTERNATIONAL) Thursday said it expects full-year revenue growth to exceed 10%, as business picked up in the second quarter thanks to strong sales in Europe and the …
smaller; Larger. By; NADYA MASIDLOVER. PARIS—French luxury–goods company Hermès International SCA said it expects full-year revenue growth to exceed 10%, as business picked up in the second quarter thanks to strong U.S. sales. Enlarge Image. is an independent research firm dedicated to reviews and evaluations of products and services. Our focus on luxury markets has led to the creation of, the authority on luxury products and services aimed at enthusiasts, …
The Japanese carmaker announced on Thursday its plans to collaborate with local manufacturer Guangzhou Automobile Group Co. to produce and market Acura cars, Honda's line of luxury sedans. During the Shanghai Auto Show, Honda CEO Takanobu Ito …
New York-based real estate group Blackhouse Development is bringing three luxury residential real estate projects to Manhattan. Untitled. A rendering of the Soori High Line project on West 29th Street. The firm released details this week regarding the …
Even stars can't make elements as heavy as gold, however. For that, you need some sort of powerful shockwave, and until now it's been unclear what could set it off. But a team of Harvard astronomers has come up a possible answer. The gold in our …
In response to rising levels of obesity, UAE residents can now enter “Your Weight in Gold,” a contest which pays contestants to sweat it out. For every kilogram, or 2.2 pounds dropped, contestants take home one gram of gold. At current prices, that's …
Astronomers panning the heavens for glints of gamma-ray bursts have struck gold. No, really. They found gold – so much of it, in fact, that they say they could potentially account for the universe's entire reserve of the precious metal prized by …
(Kitco News) – The gold market is modestly higher in early U.S. trading Thursday. Price action sees technical chart consolidation and a corrective bounce following Wednesday's selling pressure. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will speak before …