What will that mean for his personal philanthropy? By Jennifer Reingold, senior editor. 131104170256-steven-cohen-620xa-2. FORTUNE — The Robin Hood Foundation — Wall Street's favorite charity — was named, rather cheekily, for the lovable fictional …
The time, talent and treasure of local philanthropists and not for profit organizations will be celebrated Tuesday, Nov. 12, at the Miami County Philanthropy Rally. The community gathering will begin at 9 a.m. at the Miami County Courthouse. A brief …
Great communities have community foundations and ours is no exception. Founded in 2008, the Athens Area Community Foundation stewards $1.9 million in philanthropic resources on behalf of businesses, families and local nonprofits. We help passionate …
So I looked up "humanitarian," which was the next closest job description, and came up with "a person who seeks to promote human welfare; a philanthropist." Technically, they are one and the same, yet somehow the word philanthropy has become tied with …
But there are, of course, members of the investment class who stand out as genuine good guys, members of the philanthropic pantheon. These are people for whom money is a means to an end, not simply an end itself, and their goals are often lofty and …
The emergence of philanthropic social media is transforming the way society is giving back to the nonprofit sector through avenues such as Facebook and Twitter, making charity a more interactive experience than ever. The nonprofit sector raised a total …
The good news, according to the Chronicle on Philanthropy, is that the young rich are not afraid to give: among the nation's top five philanthropists in 2012, three were couples under 40. The bad news: young supporters show little allegiance to …
In the competitive world of philanthropy, nonprofits are finding success by tapping into the communal wealth of online giving. Empowering donors to give as much or as little as they want, and to funnel their money to specific causes, is breaking down …
In 1985, the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Miami chapter pioneered the organization's first National Philanthropy Days Awards. Now in its 28th year, the group continues the tradition of recognizing South Florida's most dedicated …