I wish there were a way to track total charitable giving in our region so I could issue an annual report on the health of our local philanthropy. My sense is the giving was up considerably in 2013. This perception isn't just based on the normal …
I wish there were a way to track total charitable giving in our region so I could issue an annual report on the health of our local philanthropy. My sense is the giving was up considerably in 2013. This perception isn't just based on the normal …
WASHINGTON (AP) — Philanthropy in the U.S. made a comeback in large donations in 2013, with the country's wealthiest donors giving more than $3.4 billion to charity, according to a new count of the top 10 gifts of 2013 by the Chronicle of Philanthropy.
The continued growth in the stock market and reports of improvement in the U.S. economy created a mood for greater charitable donations among the wealthiest Americans, according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy. The Chronicle's end of year report on …
“We are very active in the philanthropic world.” Since opening a year ago — even surviving a break-in shortly after launching — the pink-walled boutique has become known for “affordable luxury.” It carries several local designers, including Jane …
The contribution capped off a year the Foundation believes signals a return to more philanthropy. That anonymous donor's gift accounts for more than half of last year's donations to the Foundation. Even without that, according to Rob Smulian, Vice …
R. Crosby Kemper Jr., one of Kansas City's business and philanthropy giants, died Thursday. He was 86 years old. Kemper's death was confirmed through a statement from UMB, the banking company he led for decades. "We are profoundly saddened by the …
Before they mentioned his great contributions to medical research, they bellowed about his political leanings. ABC News and Huffington Post both took several paragraphs to get to this great man's philanthropic efforts, and the Chicago Tribune took …
Beside contributing money, companies encourage their staff members to donate their time. Earlier this month, employees at Kiewit Corp. spent a day doing charitable work for Children's Mercy Hospital and gathering toys, backpacks and other goods.