SEATTLE — After steering the world's richest foundation for the past five years, Jeff Raikes is now taking on an even bigger job: improving philanthropy as a whole. An unprecedented amount of money is expected to flow into charities over the coming …
Are we on the verge of a new golden era for social entrepreneurship, friction-free funding for social causes, and transparency in both philanthropy and social ventures? A couple of young veterans on the New York startup think so, and they're leveraging …
Ensuring access to safe, clean water is a big challenge in the developing world, which is why foundations like Gates, Hilton, and Dell have poured lots of money into water and sanitation projects. Now, a new trend is emerging in water philanthropy, one …
For at least a decade, movers and shakers in philanthropy have been trying to persuade donors to behave more like data-driven investors. But the so-called effective-philanthropy movement suffered a significant setback last month when the William and …
Recently, the Office of Development celebrated its first-ever Philanthropy Week, intended to educate and spread awareness of what philanthropy is and how it helps, and to inspire others to become philanthropists themselves. Leeann Wright, associate …
(April 7, 2014) Philanthropist Maureen O'Gara Hackett of Houston and Nantucket last week received the Shaw-Hardy Taylor Achievement Award from the Women's Philanthropy Institute (WPI) at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.
For at least a week, Marc and Lynne Benioff teased the philanthropic community with an upcoming major gift announcement. Getting as much press out of it as they could, the Salesforce CEO and his wife let it slip that they would be announcing a major …
Marc Benioff is nothing short of a charitable mastermind. Back in 1999, before Salesforce had any profits, equity, or employees, Benioff devised his now-famous “1/1/1” model of giving, where 1% each of the company's profits, equity, and employees' time …
As we gather our loved ones, count our blessings and celebrate the holidays this week, it's a natural time to talk about your family's values around charitable giving. Even very young children can be aware that the world is full of unmet needs and …