For the past two years, philanthropy committee leader Victoria Giachino organized committee members and planned the community service events, but since her graduation, junior hunt seat teammate Kelsi Schatz will take over the leadership position.
What you don't hear come up often is the power that philanthropy can have in encouraging these critical factors at a young company. While many startup founders might think of philanthropy as something they will get to down the road, we have seen at our …
A Sparta, N.J., couple will turn over $334,000 they raised for Hurricane Sandy victims to a court-appointed administrator as part of a settlement of a state lawsuit over their unregistered storm-relief charity, The Star-Ledger of Newark reports. The …
Virginia Garcia Memorial Foundation's Launch of The Grape Adventure: Philanthropy in Motion. By: Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center. June 27, 2013 — Living where we do, we are fortunate to have access to a wide variety of fresh fruit and …
Grabowski's presentation, “Philanthropy in Cleveland: A History of Stewardship and Progressive Action,” elaborated on philanthropy from Cleveland's roots until the 1920s. Nearly all religions have contributed some form of charity, he said. Protestants …
The two Senators leading the process of crafting legislation to overhaul the tax code announced Thursday that they are starting a “blank slate” that strips out all deductions, exclusions, and credits and are giving their colleagues a month to make …
Some of that money has been given directly to organizations, but a considerable portion has been doled out to philanthropy courses at 30 colleges and universities across the U.S. Each class gets $10,000 of Buffett's money to spend on the charitable …
Leading charity gift card provider TisBest Philanthropy announced today the first quarter charity distributions for 2013. These distributions are funds raised for organizations through charity gift card donation gifts, which allow recipients to select …
Philanthropy thrives in Toledo. BY BARBARA HENDEL BLADE SOCIETY EDITOR. From left, Junior chairman Ben Treece, hosts Cynthia and Dock Treece, Ann Kujawa, Hickman Cancer Center, Karen Martin, Cardio ReHap Department, and Dr. Evanoff.