As the school year was winding down last month, the youngsters undertook an extensive research project into the needs of children and adults in distress in Mesa, and then made recommendations to philanthropist John Whiteman on where his annual …
As I read the lead article in the latest issue of Stanford Social Innovation Review, “Strategic Philanthropy for a Complex World,” by John Kania, Mark Kramer, and Patty Russell, I tried to imagine what it would feel like to do so from the vantage point …
As program director at Canadian Young Judaea's Camp Kadimah, he will be facilitating the pilot teen philanthropy program for the second summer in a row. He used the basic model suggested by the Jewish Teen Funders Network (JTFN), starting with Jewish …
The group, dubbed 5224Good — a play on one of Iowa City's zip codes — formed earlier this year and aims to donate to local nonprofits through the Community Foundation of Johnson County, said Anne Vandenberg, 5224Good's education chairwoman.
Beginning in 2013, ABFE and the Black Philanthropic Network partnered to conduct an “Exit Interview Study” of black foundation staff and executives to determine why they might be leaving philanthropy. Combining information from interviews and focus …
Patrick is the publisher of Frontdoor News, an online publication focusing on philanthropy, culture and societal topics. Patrick said leaders in the nonprofit world normally have a firm grasp of their mission and meeting the needs of their target …
Whether you credit nature or nurture, the philanthropy gene runs strong in many of America's wealthiest families. Take Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen, for instance. Not only is she heir to her father's Silicon Valley real estate fortune and the wife of …
The Washington power couple Donald and Ann Brown have long been known for their generosity, giving away millions of dollars to a wide range of large arts and education institutions in the region. But the couple's latest donation marked a change, and in …
UK businesses need to place charity and philanthropy at the heart of company cultures and could benefit economically as a result, according to a report from the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). The report – Creating an age of giving – sets out a series …