However, the other technology is well executed and certainly allows the mainstream buyer a taste of what's available in a cutting-edge luxury car such as the Mercedes E-class. – NZ Herald. Not saved. Facebook 0. Twitter 0. LinkedIn 0. Google+ 0. Email …
By 2016, at least three exotic car brands will join the high-end SUV market, thanks to technological access from the more mainstream luxury titles including Audi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz. VW Group. The platform-sharing ingenuity of the Volkswagen Group …
The continued mainstreaming of advanced digital fabrication processes such as, 3D printing, CNC milling, laser-cutting and robotic manufacturing in architecture schools, affords students the luxury of creating designs using these tools. Suddenly they …
Buyers love the outstanding economy and "normal" hybrid technology – it requires no plug-in technology or alternative fuel source – just fill up at the bowser and get back on the road. The ride can be firm, and pot holes and sharp ruts can be felt …
“To have on our campus, people doing advance research, creates quite an opportunity, especially given the fact that most rural communities don't have the luxury of incubators, let alone tech incubators because they tend to be concentrated heavily …
Inside were a number of products that had been endorsed by Quiet Mark, the international mark of approval from the UK's Noise Abatement Society that encourages the design of quieter high performance technology to reduce unwanted noise in our …
"We don't have the luxury of time," Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the IPCC, told Reuters, saying costs would rise sharply if strong action was delayed to 2030. "We will have to move … That technology, however, is mostly experimental, and costly …
Don Maier, senior vice president of global operations, said the new line will use a proprietary technology developed by Armstrong. This will allow the luxury vinyl tile to be made with less labor than the Chinese manufacturer's method requires. “Ours …
Former Senate Majority Leader and conciliator extraordinaire Howard Baker liked to tell the story of how his father-in-law, the late Illinois Sen. Everett Dirksen, often suggested that he allow himself the luxury of an unexpressed thought. But enough …