Henry “stepped into baseball as a majority owner at a time when information and technology were just emerging and his data-driven, quantitative biases could be applied to a team,” says Vince Gennaro, author of Diamond Dollars: The Economics of Winning …
The luxury home also has been fitted with sound proof walls and an intelligent technology system called Control 4 Tech, which controls all media, televisions, sound systems, blinds and velux windows from the touch of a button. The impressive home is …
The ability of individuals to store and instantly access thousands of their photos online has become a commonplace luxury, but the sheer size of these archives can be intimidating. Researchers … "Most technology is all about control," Odom noted …
Even Mercedes went upmarket and luxury in its car sharing business with the launch of car2go black, which operates 200 Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz B-Class cars. Daimler expects … The vehicles are equipped with virtual access and telematics technology …
If you think being packed on an airplane with strangers sucks, then you're probably a plebe like us who flies economy. But first class? It's an entirely different alcohol-lubricated world up there—a world where a single seating unit can cost half a …
The Left Shoe Company, formed in 1998, blends old world craftsmanship with new technologies by using 3-D scanners to measure men's feet. They claim to be the only company in the world to utilise 3D scanner technology the way they do, and are the only …
Asia Pacific is one of the fastest growing wireless markets in the world and the new recruitment underlines Zinwave's commitment to accelerate growth of its unique wideband active DAS technology globally. The company plans to double headcount within 12 …
The Vision Future Luxury Concept comes packed with just about every technological feature in BMW's arsenal. In addition to the laser headlights, the concept's interior will feature the company's “three-dimensional display” technology that will blend …
… Elsafe's New Allure RFID Locking System Makes Global Debut at Luxury Alion Beach Hotel in Cyprus. 5-Star oceanfront Cyprus hotel is first property worldwide to implement Allure by VingCard's interactive next generation security lock panel technology.