Luxury marketers in the third quarter of 2013 sought to reinterpret their image to appeal to new, younger consumers, while not straying to the point of dismaying core consumer bases. Brands introduced new product lines steeped in history, reinvented a …
Based on the award winning 3 Series Sedan, the Touring is set to raise the bar once again, starting from just $77,800* drive away and delivering class leading performance, technology and luggage capacity – it is the perfect vehicle for the active New …
In the murder of Justin Valdez and the bizarre scenario leading up to it, we find fresh, albeit bloody, evidence of how social media and high technology have changed us. These devices and new platforms of communication were supposed to allow us to be …
A career in the high-art, high-stakes world of luxury fashion may have seemed unlikely for a child growing up in a working-class neighborhood 30 miles northwest of Charlotte. But even in his youth, the seeds of a career in fashion design were being …
Leo Caplan, the technology entrepreneur who owns the company, has appointed Cavendish Corporate Finance to advise on Smallbone and premium furniture business Mark Wilkinson after receiving four unsolicited approaches. A sale of Canburg, the …
Based on the award winning 3 Series Sedan, the Touring is set to raise the bar once again, starting from just $77,800* drive away and delivering class leading performance, technology and luggage capacity – it is the perfect vehicle for the active New …
Congressman Bill Shuster of Pennsylvania is planning hearings on how this technology can become reality. "We believe this technology once it gets into the fleet," he said, "will reduce significantly the fatalities and accidents on our highways today …
DETROIT (Reuters) – When General Motors Co Vice Chairman Steve Girsky slid into a Cadillac SRX luxury crossover vehicle specially equipped to drive itself, his reaction echoed that of many consumers as more self-driving technologies are rolled out.
There had been a ''huge'' amount of change in the luxury market, fewer suits being sold and much more fine and ultrafine wool being produced worldwide. ''We're having to work on a whole lot of innovation, new product development and new …. ''From a …