Luxury products were a key driver of consumer spending in 2013, and at Las Vegas Market Jan. 26-30 mattress vendors answered the growing demand for high-end product with several new collections. Entries in premium and ultra-premium price points were …
Several companies in the luxury products business, particularly in France, have reported difficult trading conditions in China where an anti-corruption drive has curtailed expensive entertainment and the giving of expensive gifts. The sudden slowing of …
Many companies in the luxury products sector have reported suddenly running into a slowing of sales in China where a campaign against corruption has reduced the giving of expensive gifts, and also lavish entertainment and consumption of expensive …
For luxury brands, these payment tools play a strategic role in building consumer trust, as both payment forms mitigate luxury consumers' concerns about counterfeit products. Additionally, luxury brands can leverage COD to deliver a unique shopping …
Did you meet in unusual circumstances? Did your girlfriend go to amazing lengths to get her man? Is your heroic husband a big softie underneath? Set our hearts fluttering and you could win great prizes! Lion Yard Shopping Centre has put together a …
Industry expert Goran Roos…“We need to have a priority around building high value activities which is in low volume, high complexity, high value adding type activities. That would be functional foods, luxury products of food for the Asian industry …
This isn't true across the board: brands retain value where the brand association is integral to the experience of a product (Coca-Cola, say), or where they confer status, as with luxury goods. But even here the information deluge is transformative …
Finance, the global luxury goods market is worth more than US$300 billion (S$380 billion) and is expected to grow to US$376 billion by 2017. Although Europe and the US account for over 60 per cent of luxury sales, Asia is expected to register the …
While the stock market saw a boost thanks to overall sales growth, the luxury market saw a distinct shift toward more consumer-oriented goods as the government's anti-corruption campaign continues. According to China's Ministry of Commerce, retail …