Latest haryanvi song Ballu Jail Te Farar sung by Mohit sharma and Starring by Biru Kataria, Manjeet Mor, Shikari Tajpurya, Vikash Rajana. Haryanvi song Ballu Jail Te Farar Lyrics has written by Monti Badanpur and music has given by Mohit Sharma. It has directed by Farista and published by Nav Haryanvi. Thanks
Just like the hack that took place in the year 2016 in the Democratic National Committee and alarmed the people, in the same way, the reported events.
Life is becoming a ground of battle for all of us and in this race of life somewhere we forget to maintain a balance between our health and life.
Latest Punjabi song Kitho sung by The PropheC and staring by him. Kitho Lyrics has written The PropheC and Music has given by Him. It has published by VIP Records. Thanks
New Punjabi song Ek Diamond Da Haar Lede Yaar sung by Meet Bros ft. Jyotica Tangri. Ek Diamond Da Haar Lede Yaar song lyrics has written by Kumaar and music has given by Meet Bros. This song released by MB Music. Thanks
Kitho Song Lyrics sung by The PropheC. theLYRICALLY gives you latest Punjabi, Hindi and Haryanvi song lyrics with the song details.
Ik Supna Lyrics sung by Prabh Gill. theLYRICALLY gives you latest Punjabi, Hindi and Haryanvi song lyrics with the song details.
Nindra Song Lyrics sung by Ikka. theLYRICALLY gives you latest Punjabi, Hindi and Haryanvi song lyrics with the song details.
Vidalista 20 Paypal Distress and excitement are two times of life essentially like reverse sides of a coin which you can not repent or alter. In any case, you can choose the upside of euphoria stage and negligence the hopeless time of life. You need to live with it if you face any mental, psychological, […]