Several euro area economies had experienced a sharp rise in unit labour costs (ULC) associated with the pre-crisis credit boom, which required a period of internal devaluation to correct. And they were starting out with rigid economic structures …
Add to these the impact due to heightened competition of tens of millions of "ordinary talents" from around the world, and the stagnant wages in the US's immobile sectors are not surprising. … Jumps in stock prices with each announcement that the Fed …
They also include the G-20 commitments to move more rapidly toward market-determined exchange rate systems and exchange rate flexibility, to avoid persistent exchange rate misalignments, to refrain from competitive devaluation, and to not target …
With bewildering speed, concerns about of credit defaults, slowing demand and political instability have eclipsed exuberance over America's falling jobless rate and Alibaba's record-breaking IPO. The most-asked question isn't where to make profits, but …
… more market-determined exchange rate systems and exchange rate flexibility reflecting underlying fundamentals, avoid persistent exchange rate misalignments, refrain from competitive devaluation, and not target exchange rates for competitive purposes.
China, the world largest exporter of labor-intensive manufactured goods, is less competitive than it used to be. Wages are rising and … The book also calls for devaluation of the rupiah to reduce labor and other domestic costs in terms of dollars …
… on the other hand, “should move more rapidly toward more market-determined exchange rate systems and exchange rate flexibility reflecting underlying fundamentals, avoid persistent exchange rate misalignments, refrain from competitive devaluation …
"Many in the industry want a 'mega devaluation', which would surely benefit producers, although it would have a negative impact on the rest of the Argentinian population. There are many other ways to improve our competitiveness without the purchasing …
Trade between nations is a positive-sum game, meaning all the nations trading with one another gain from international trade whereas competition between the rival firms is a zero-sum game. Pakistan may not be in competition with India the same way as …