As a talented high school player, Ross traveled to wealthy neighborhoods, where he witnessed an affluent lifestyle previously unknown to him. Tennis gave him a concrete vision of a life to aspire to outside the disadvantaged neighborhood in which he …
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a chronic liver disease related to the metabolic syndrome and more sedentary affluent lifestyle, likely predominates among the non-viral hepatitis related cirrhosis group. In fact, subjects who drank two or …
The object has become a symbol of the alleged corruption and affluent lifestyle of Yanukovych, who fled Ukraine and is in Russia. "Even some of the supporters have turned away from him so he has lost lots of the kind of the support he had in Ukraine …
After news, services (restaurants, finding/purchasing entertainment, auto-related services, real estate, travel, shopping) accounted for 15% of the usage, followed by entertainment (14%) and lifestyle (12%). Within the news vertical, the study found …
Revisionists are culturally captive to the demands of a shrinking subset of affluent, Western churches. Though global evangelicalism is much more united on the authority of Scripture and the distinctiveness of Christianity's sexual ethic, revisionists …
Can't be a bad thing, since we had a relatively low cost of living, affordable housing and rentals, and of course, a lifestyle and culture to die for. How many techies are decamping to NOLA? But boy, is that changing. Being a real estate junkie, I'm …
"And, of course, Mr. Speaker, it would include people who have a very affluent lifestyle and spend all their money even though they get a very large paycheque." The prime minister said Trudeau's comments leave him confused. "I have no idea what the …
The object has become a symbol of the alleged corruption and affluent lifestyle of Yanukovych, who fled Ukraine and is in Russia. "Even some of the supporters have turned away from him so he has lost lots of the kind of the support he had in Ukraine …
Also, everyone needs to understand that a significant portion of the dollars produced by major universities for the NCAA or by their major postseason events flows down to less affluent schools, and the lower division universities that do not award …