Experts who monitor ultra-right-wing groups and hate crimes have sent an open letter asking Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, a key Poroshenko supporter, to exclude several Ukrainian nationalist leaders from his newly founded People's Front party …
Billionaires make up 1% of the world's ultra–high–net–worth population (net worth of $30 million or more), according to the Wealth-X and UBS Billionaire Census 2014, yet they control 4% of the world's wealth. The global billionaire population grew to a …
Are we about to experience an autumn resurgence in new stock market listings? Once City brokers and investors get back from their summer retreats in Spain, Dubai and Las Vegas, chances are they will be racing to start raising money for new entrants.
This is the decade of the Asian billionaires: Business tycoons in East Asia led by China saw the fastest increase in their wealth this year, according to a new study by Wealth-X, a Singapore-based research firm focusing on ultra–high net worth …
Harf said the United States estimates that IS militants have already received millions of dollars worth of ransoms so far this year alone. Most are believed to have been paid by European governments. In the execution video, released online, a black …
Red-faced Canadian federal police launched a review of their arrest and detention procedures after a drunk driving suspect stole an arresting officer's police car and sped off. Save & Share. Tweet · Email · Print. The 25-year-old suspect had been …
A western Pennsylvania woman has been found guilty of downloading child porn, in an attempt to frame her estranged husband. Save & Share. Tweet · Email · Print. According to an AP report on CBS, 43-year-old Meri Jane Woods, of Clymer downloaded 40 …
"The following properties were taken – iPhones, laptops, and tablets worth over a million," spokeswoman Lt-Col Khensani Magoai said in a statement. Four men allegedly entered the store pretending to be customers before holding up the store manager with …
By utilizing those existing connections, and partnering with another entrepreneur from his hometown, he is in the final stages of planning for a new textile factory near Addis Ababa, joining other Chinese industrialists who have made the move. Even …