The new gadgets received by the Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) include explosive trace detector machines to enhance detection capability at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), standard test pieces for x-ray machines, walk-through metal …
After all, this phone will deliver you high–end Windows Phone 8 experience. If you are searching for a phone that can do lot of work than this Lumia 925 version is for you, but if you are more of a camera fun then Nokia Lumia 1020 is the right choice …
And the best way to keep your data safe is to keep the hard drives of your old computers before ditching, donating or selling it, because you never know where your data can end up. And then take to it with a hammer or some gasoline and a match. Watch …
The bluetooth gadget also lets you use your fingertip as a mouse to drag, point and click. Myo armband The Myo armband includes a …. His firm makes higher–end devices ranging from $10,000 to $500,000 for industry. Leap's "accuracy and pricing" is …
It is not only at the high end that phones are revolutionary. ARTHUR GOLDSTUCK spotlights a phone that costs R150 – and is changing people's lives. For a gadget to be revolutionary, it does not have to contain revolutionary new technology. A week ago …
Gold jumped to a one-month high from London to Shanghai and Tokyo as expectations that the U.S. Federal Reserve will sustain stimulus hurt the dollar, while higher oil prices may boost the outlook for inflation. Spot gold climbed as much as 2.1 percent …
BARRINGTON — Since last fall, Palmer Pointe, a proposed affordable rental housing development off Sowams Road, has stirred opposition that has led to a more sweeping attack on affordable housing in this affluent town. Last week, as the Planning Board …
The governmental press service recalled that Medvedev examined the Russian display at the Havana International Book Fair in the course of that visit. The event is … The competitions were held in one of the least affluent schools of the country …
There are plenty of affluent, legal Mexicans working in the U.S. (though probably not in a warehouse) and, surely, too many poorly educated Cubans for the Cubano community's comfort. Item “f” fails because it's actually a statement that can be …