At the Dong-A International Finance Forum 2013 hosted jointly by the Dong-A Ilbo and its cable TV network Channel A in Seoul on Friday under the theme “Global Currency Wars and Korea's Financial Strategy,” the two world-renowned currency experts …
The Nobel Peace Prize President recently signed another executive order targeting Iran's currency, the 'rial' due to its nuclear program. It is intended to make the Iranian people angry at the government for high food prices and an economy that is …
“The euro is confounding all its critics once again,” said David Bloom, the global head of currency strategy at HSBC Holdings Plc in London. With the threat of the ECB turning to negative interest rates, “Draghi had a dabble in the war,” though …
The country whose finance minister famously said in 2010 that an "international currency war" had broken out has finally been winning. But Brazil shouldn't break out the "mission accomplished" banners. Superficially, Brazil's move to scrap a 6% tax on …
Interest rates respond to unemployment: a currency war in sheep's clothing. ALEX CARRICK. Chief Economist, CanaData. After a substantial drop in total employment in March (-54,000 jobs), the labour market picked up slightly in April (+12,000 jobs), …
China will not compete for currency depreciation in a bid to boost the nation's competitiveness, said Zhou Xiaochuan, the central bank governor, at a conference in Shanghai on Monday. The yuan has appreciated 35 percent against the US dollar since 2005 …
The managers think that Japan's fiscal policy can trigger a currency war as emerging markets see their economies get stalled by a weak yen. In addition to this drawback, abnormal inflows are coming into European and U.S. equity and bond markets which …
India, Brazil, Indonesia and Turkey have all intervened in the currency markets this week to shore up their battered currencies – a sign of just how much things have changed from just a few months ago when countries globally were doing all they could …
Japan has just kicked off a dangerous regional currency war, and there is no end in sight. Even investors here in the U.S. must take note, because the global economic impact could be severe. Recently, the G20 warily approved Japan's new economic plan.